Monday, January 16, 2012

Almost Famous?

I cannot believe that my Volvo Biggest Fan of the Big East alma mater trip is almost here. I am so thrilled that I have been chosen to participate in this contest, and I am so excited to head back to campus .. and cruise around in my Volvo S60!!

But what I am about to show you absolutely floored me this weekend. I was on a church retreat this weekend when I received this text from a friend who was at the Notre Dame - UConn basketball game on Saturday. The Notre Dame Athletic Department put me and the Volvo Big East contest up on the jumbo tron at the Purcell Pavilion encouraging people to vote for me.

Wow ... I am not often speechless ... but this time I truly was speechless. I am so absolutely grateful to everyone for their support of me, and I cannot wait to head back to campus this weekend! I am very much looking forward to visiting some of my favorite spots on campus, enjoying a some Domer traditions, hanging out with friends, and getting to watch some Notre Dame hoops!

Notre Dame Basketball Highlights


(Hey, if you haven't had a chance to stop by my Biggest Fan of the Big East profile, please stop by and send a vote my way! Many thanks!!)

1 comment:

  1. Congrats Lisa! You deserve it. Have a wonderful time back on campus. GO IRISH!!
