Sunday, January 10, 2010

New Year ... New You?

So here we are ... 10 days in to the new year ... have you already broken your New Year's resolutions? Did you make any? Or do you think they are just silly and foolishness?

Well ... I have made a few this year ... and I think they are pretty doable. So here goes it!

1.) Get in better shape. I know, I know ... most people say this every year, but I think my #2 resolution will definitely help me accomplish this one!

2.) Run a 10K this year, and hopefully a half marathon as well. I've already got the 10K scheduled for May, so that should be a piece of cake. The half marathon will be a bit more of a challenge, but I think I'm up for it!

3.) Simplify my life. Starting with getting rid of things I don't need from this house. I have no idea how life got so chaotic and cluttered, but this year I am going to slow down, go through things, and simplify my life!

4.) Get back into scrapbooking. I have no idea why I stopped doing it, seeing as it is very therapeutic for me, but part of my slowing down is going to be getting back into scrapbooking.

So there it is in a nutshell. Nothing life shattering. Just a few things to help me to slow down, be healthier, and to become a better person. I think if I take it one step at a time, I'll make it to the finish line ... no problem!

Happy New Year ... and good luck with whatever you have planned for 2010!


1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a really great plan. Amazing how you would think that making life simple would be, well simple, and yet making life is simple is probably the most complicated and complex task we face.
