Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Taking a Daily Pause

I went on a Ladies Retreat this past weekend with my church, and as always ... learned a lot about myself, as well as about my faith.

One of the things that we discussed this weekend was about how journaling can enrich your spiritual life. And though at times I do use this blog as *that* kind of a journal, I think I am also going to start a written one as well. I have volumes of journals that I kept in High School and College ... but when I got married and had kids, journaling kind of fell by the wayside.

Another thing that we discussed this weekend was about taking a daily, "Holy" pause ... also known as meditation. I already do this pretty well, but it doesn't hurt to be reminded every now and then of the need for this daily quiet time.

So I have a dear relative, who I view as more of a friend than as a relative, that has gotten into the habit of texting me (and others I presume) a daily bible verse ... which I happen to enjoy. So yesterday I decided to share my "Holy Pause" with her, that I found in this spiritual book for women.

Faith Flourishes in the Dark

Trials, temptations, spiritual dryness and suffering are all opportunities for our faith to grow stronger. We can, of course, neglect these opportunities and allow our faith to wither and die. But those who praise God in life's difficulties will experience the opposite effect.

— from Real Women, Real Saints

I thought it was a nice little reading, and I was excited to share it with her, thinking that she'd like it as well.

To which her response was ... "And?"


So I respond to her ... Just sharing a "Holy Pause."

And she responded ... "hmmm."


I'm not really quite sure how to take that. I was really excited about sharing this with her, and her response was not exactly what I was expecting. I guess that's not to say that she did not like it. Maybe she is in such a place in her life that this reading was not as moving or meaningful to her as it was to me? Here I was trying to share something nice with her ... do something good in return for all of the wonderful passages that she's sent me ... and all I ended up was being stressed out that I had somehow hurt her feelings or offended her. Aghh.

Which brings me to the next thing that I was reminded of over the weekend, which I need to work on being much better at, because quite honestly I suck at this.

Let go, let God.

I have such a hard time letting go of things. I am the A number 1 worrier. I worry about everything ... regardless of whether it is in my control or not. And I truly need to make a conscious effort to let go of the little things that I cannot control ... and only worry about the stuff where I can truly make a difference.

Which calls to mind my favorite prayer of all!

The Serenity Prayer

God grant me the serenity to accept the
things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.

Living one day at a time;
Enjoying one moment at a time;
Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;
Taking, as He did, this sinful world
as it is, not as I would have it;
Trusting that He will make all things right
if I surrender to His Will;
That I may be reasonably happy in this life
and supremely happy with Him
Forever in the next.

--Reinhold Niebuhr

Have a wonderful day, where every you are ... and remember ... Let Go. Let God!


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